Thursday, October 21, 2010

Reflections and Basketball

We have been busy lately. Sabree and Oliver participated in this year's reflections. They did a great job and it was a lot of work! Both kids came up with their own idea. They were very clever too, I thought. The theme was "Together we can...". Sabree chose "together we can make our world a better place". Oliver chose, "together we can conquer the dark side".This is the beginning of the paper mache light saber and world. I forgot how much work paper mache is...super messy too!

Painting is the fun part. Sabree's had a lot of detail. She did a great job. She first painted the whole earth blue. Then she painted all the land brown, then she used a sponge brush to add green on top of the brown, then she mixed yellow and brown and sponged that on top of the green. It looked really cool.
Oliver painting his light saber. He added quite a bit of detail too. He loved it!
These are the finished products. Sabree's world holder is a pot. On the outside she colored pictures of ways to make the world a better place.
Both Sabree and Oliver's projects made it to the next round. It will be sent to "the council"! They are really excited about that.

Now, basketball! Luke went with a buddy to play basketball and came home injured! While he was playing basketball someone jabbed him in the eye. It scratched up his eyeball pretty bad. He had a hard time sleeping all night. He was in a lot of pain. First thing in the morning I called and got him an appointment with an optometrist who was quite concerned about his eye. It was scratched badly in 2 places. He was worried that it may have damaged the flap over the center of the eye. Fortunately it didn't otherwise he would have had to go right into surgery. Anyway, he was given prescriptions for 3 different eye drops that are administered every 2 hours. Today he went back to the doctor and his eye is already improving; however, his vision in that eye is not back to normal. He has another appointment on Monday and hopefully we'll have good news!

You can't tell because of the flash but the room is really dark. Even in the dark, most the day he wore sunglasses too. His eye was really sensitive to any light at all. Poor guy! He's much better today though.


April Hutchins said...

Wow the kids projects look awesome!!! Poor Luke that is no fun, I hope everything goes good and it starts to get better.

Jill D. said...

How sad! I had no idea. I just spent all day with a one eyed Luke and didn't even know it! Sad!