Friday, September 5, 2008


Oliver is in preschool. I can't believe it! He's getting so big now and he'll let you know it. If you ask him how big he is he either stands on his tiptoes and reaches his hands as high as he can, or he'll lay down on the floor and stretch his arms up.

Anyway, his first day of school was actually September 2nd (sorry for the delay). His cousin Ellie is in his class. Right when he walked into school Ellie ran to him and gave him the biggest hug. It was so cute. Those two are so cute together, they are so nice to each other and have so much fun together. They are going to have a great time being in the same class.
Ollie and I have been working on his letters by sound and sight. We try to do a letter a day and try to use lots of words that begin with that particular letter that we're working on. I think it has been helping with his speech lately too. He's really funny when he says some words that we've been working extra hard on like snow (he usually pronounces it "no"), he walks around saying s...s...s...snow. So, if you hear him sounding out the first letter of a word several times before he says a word, that is why. He's working really hard on learning his letters and pronouncing them correctly. He's a smart little boy!


Melissa said...

He looks super cute and so grown up. How fun to have his cousin in his class. I remember always being jealous of kids who were good friends with their cousins!

Bennett Family said...

he's SO dang cute!!!

The Wachel Family said...

Julie! I was blog hopping and found are you doing? Did you guys make it to Utah? Your kiddos are SO CUTE! I can't believe how big they are getting. Please keep in touch!

The Wachel Family said...

PS...I love Lia Sophia!!! I will order from you, just let me know how to do it!

Danielle Weathers said...

He is so stinkin' cute!

Karen said...

He's gonna be a heart breaker. What a cute little man!
Sorry we were flakes on Friday looking forward to the next one!

Mama Cat said...

(This is Amy Madsen, by the way.) I can't believe Ollie's really that old! When did that happen? He really is a cutie, and I'm sure he feels grown up going to school like Sabre. It must be nice for you to have one-on-one time with Jaylee, too!

Jeff Sorensen said...


When you add a picture using the add gadgets, there is a space to put a link. If that doesn't help you let me know.


Jill said...

I miss chattin' with ya! Your family is so beautiful!!!! I can't believe how grown-up Oliver is! Last time we saw you, he was just little! He is such a handsome little guy! And the girls are so cute!!! We'll have to plan a little Utah reunion sometime! Miss ya!